Airlines Surfboard Charges….


good morning. 5am tuesday morning. pitch dark outside but can feel it. no winds, south swell, i’m guessing 3-4′ with epic conditions. getting a little excited. i’m out of here… have a nice day…

surfed diamond head yesterday morning with shuji, jun, and hayato. we had lighthouse to ourselves for a while… surf, surf, surf!!!

went up to nuuanu to do some yard work yesterday in the raging hot sun. we got such a huge yard along the stream and the weeds get out of control in no time. cutting weeds with a weed whacker sucks. but somebody has to do it…. this is the before shot…

and this is the after shot. i cut the grass by myself and almost passed out because of the heat. ice cold water tasted like gold after that….

i forgot to wear long pants so by the time i was done, my legs were bleeding all over from the little rocks flying around. every minute, i was yelling “ouch, itai, ouch, itai”…. my legs are trashed. good thing i’m not a girl cause it doesn’t look good at all….
**surfline did a great job on researching airline surfboard charges. check out the prices of some airlines… oh, with my experiences, it’s not the airline, it’s the person at the counter. yeah, it matters. my advise is, “be nice”. sometimes you get a break, and sometimes you don’t. i know some japanese surfers that pay $2,100 for their board bag from japan to hawaii. that must suck….
