I like PUMP!


want to thank Carter for taking these photos of me catching a wave and pumping back to Mayuki.

it’s pretty fun pumping around the ocean and back to the boat. i thought i’d never in my life be able to do that.  but after never giving up, it’s happening now.

then on the other side of Mayuki, my friend Mike was out on his boat watching us foil.  i never get to see photos like this before.  it makes me realize how beautiful Mayuki is.  and makes me realize how lucky we are to be in such an amazing location…

the kids came over today to play.  Kaira is 3 years old and Keahi is 1 year old.  these kids are so cute!

everything Keahi gets his hand on, he tries to eat.

this boy is going to be very handsome when he grows up.  look at his curly hair and eyes!   so cute!!!

Diamond Head was super fun this afternoon.  nice long rights and not that many surfers out.  so beautiful!
