Lucky Shark: Kill or Misery?


another amazing day in the ocean.  i’ve been trying new things and having new experiences.  it was a good learning experience for me because as of right now, i know for sure i have the best equipment in the world!  and soon Donald will have the same…

see all the sand going out to sea on the high tide?  wait till a super big South swell and another high tide like today.  then all the sand will go out to sea.  i can see the beach getting smaller already…

there’s been a shark lurking around at the Yacht Club.  he’s not just swimming around, he’s hunting…

so when i saw a stressed fish that was tangled in fishing line, i thought it was only a matter of time the shark would come up and eat it.  one part of me was saying “kill it and take it out of its misery.”  another part was saying “let nature take its course.”

see the fishing line wrapped around the head?  that’s cutting into the fish and there’s no way it will survive.  poor thing as i decided to let nature take it’s course.  what a lucky shark…
