my brother was down at Bowls and sent me a video of something weird. this rescue helicopter landed on the rocks! i didn’t know that was even possible???
he said they picked up 2 lifeguards and headed to Diamond Head. it amazes me how good our rescue team is. they literally risk their own lives to save others.
the video was pretty crazy because after leaving the rocks, the helicopter flew so close to the people standing on the beach.
i don’t like to talk about politics but i can’t keep my mouth shut when i see North Korean missiles flying near Japan. i always thought that strong leadership prevents conflicts like this. if you do things like this, there will be consequences. and that’s the truth. when you have weak leadership, there are no consequences so other countries will literally test you out. and when nothing happens, they will keep on firing missiles. so not being political, i just want a leader that is strong and will protect the US and Japan. right now, that doesn’t seem to be the case. bummer…