Bali is open, BUT nobody is here. the hotels are empty and the beaches are deserted. it feels like how it was 30 years ago and i love it!
i saw a wave breaking way outside in front of my hotel. i don’t even know if that is a surf spot but i could see the potential for foiling. so i paddled out into the emerald water and flew around like a bird. nobody was out so i felt like i had the whole ocean to myself. it was amazing!
then when i came in, i realized there was treasure on the empty white sand beach.
there were shells everywhere! i haven’t seen this many shells in a long time. i think the pandemic stopped the shell collectors from coming. i scored!
omg, we’ve been eating some amazing dinners here. Iron Chef Mike Woo has been cooking up the most amazing meals. this one is shrimp scampi. i’m allergic to shrimp but i ended up eating 10 pieces. and no rash or sore stomach! i think i’m cured!!!!