Sake Viva Japan!


the Japan govermnent has launched a nationwide campaign to boost alcohol consumption.  the National Tax Agency is trying to get young people to drink more so they can collect more taxes.  very interesting!!!    looking back throughout the years, i think i paid my fair share of taxes for alcohol in Japan.  i must have drank a few thousands of Asahi Super Dry cans.  and now that i look back at the photos i posted of alcohol, i’m thankful that i don’t drink like that anymore.  haha.

eating sushi is like art.  i would start off with a beer, then go strait to the Japanese sake.  that is something i miss.

when i use to go to izakaya’s, i would average about 8 beers a night.  it use to be so fun but i don’t remember most of it.

Japan bars are the best in the world.  everything is absolutely perfect.

when you order a drink, they bartender gets his ice pick out and starts to shape your ice into a ball.  it’s so cool to see.

this was one of our coolers in Okinawa.  i use to love the fun at night, but hate the headaches in the morning.  so yes, i’ve spent a lot of money on alcohol in Japan but not anymore.  my new life is 2 beers maximum a month.   so my next trip to Japan is going to be different.  i’m going to travel with 100% clarity.  something i’m looking forward to…



