Japan Currency Demand


i get a lot of questions regarding yen now that it hit 150 yen to $1USD.  this is the highest it’s been in 32 years so my advise to everyone is to buy yen NOW!  and if you’re planning to visit Japan, visit NOW!  i still can’t believe how cheap everything was but i’m sure this won’t last very long.

before you could buy yen at the money exchangers in Waikiki but since there are no Japanese tourists here, there is no yen.  so the other alternative is to go to the bank and order yen.  

so today the yen/dollar rate was at 149.  i went to Central Pacific Bank to buy yen and they were selling it for 146 yen to the dollar.  i’m sure i wasn’t the only one buying yen today.  anyway, since i bought yen at 146 to the dollar, regardless of the yen going up or down, my next trip to Japan will still be cheap!

i still remember when the yen was at 80 yen per dollar 10 years ago.  i was telling all my friends in Japan to buy as many dollars as possible.  i still remember going to the bank and exchanging every yen i owned at that time.  so me and the ones who did change money back then almost doubled their money in 10 years. looking back, i wish i exchanged more.  but looking back, i didn’t have more.  haha…
