Ocean Maniac


When the waves get over 20′ Hawaiian scale, Kaiborg doesn’t go watch the Eddie Aikau contest.  Instead, he’s takes a ski to the outer banks and searches for the biggest wave that any human being can ride.  Not on a surfboard which is a safer option, but on a foil which is pretty much life or death.  The waves he rides are out of my league.  Honestly, I don’t even want to be in the ocean when it’s like this.  But not Kaiborg, this is his adrenaline rush, this is his joy, and this is his life.  That’s pretty cool and something we can all respect.  So yes, I’m glad he didn’t call me that morning because if he did, I wouldn’t have answered my phone.

Protected by the best wetsuit in the World, DOVE.  Thanks Kaiborg for the amazing stories and photos.  I’ll wait until the waves get a quarter that size before I start answering my phone again.  Haha.
