Big Guns=Big Fish


good morning. 7am in okinawa. gosh, i was so tired last night but couldn’t sleep. just kept on thinking about the past 2 days of diving. the things i seen were like out of a national geographic show. the sharks, the bait fish, the ulua’s, tha mahimahi’s, ono’s, and the dog tooth tunas. the only thing i can think about now is getting back to hawaii and heading to the dive store to buy more equiptment. i usually go reef diving so it’s a lot different than blue water, or open ocean diving. need a bigger gun, longer tagline, bigger floats, and just everything bigger. even bigger balls…. when i first jumped off the boat in the deep blue, i was kind of scared. then after i started feeling comfortable. nothing bothered me. i was like in another world. the deep blue world. and i like it a lot. so to my diving friends back in hawaii, get your shit and balls together because we’re going deep!!! but before that, i’m going deep in indonesia. diving and surfing. oh, and about surfing, i didn’t forget about that. i’m just in diving world now and after i catch my first wave out at sunabe, i will get back into surfing world. but for now, i’m going to finish my oatmeal and head out of here….

james oshiro took this photo of me. look far in the distance and you can see a school of mahimahi’s. shit, i can’t wait to do it again.

anyway, leaving you off with a sick ass okinawan sunrise. have a great day where ever you are and what ever your doing….
