No Travel, No Life….


good morning. 8am here on this hangover tuesday. gosh, it’s been 4 or 5 years since i’ve been here in okinawa and i forgot how fun it is down here. we went to surf sunabe yesterday and i bumped into so many old time friends. we all had dinner together and a few drinks after. well, a lot of drinks after. okinawa style is to have a big sayonara party the day before somebody leaves. and last night was no exception. satoru-san and takahashi-san took all of us out for some local style fun. i was laughing so much that my throat is sore. had a blast…. you know something, the people here are the coolest. it’s island style living and i love it. i use to come here every year until 4 years ago. i missed out a lot and ain’t missing out anymore. got the greatest surfer friends and diving friends. i’ll be back here every year from now on. so wanted to say thanks again to all the people here in okinawa who made this such a great experience for me. see you guys in hawaii….

i was in tokyo and seen this poster. “NO TRAVEL, NO LIFE”. enough said…..
