The Final Voyage


I just started watching this documentary about a sailor that has lived on his boat his whole life.  I have no idea how it’s going to end, but the first part of the movie was this screen shot.

“When a sailor can’t go on anymore, he sets out for his final voyage, never to return.”

That caption hit deep in my heart because my Step-father went out for his final voyage and never returned.  I was 8 years old at the time and couldn’t understand it.  Some say it was a mistake, some say it was an accident, and some it was intentional.  We will never know but what I do know is that he was a great influence in my ocean life.  I can understand why he did what he did.  I can understand how it made him feel.  And I can understand that without it, life won’t be the same.  So when watermen sets out for their final voyage, I think that’s the most beautiful thing in the world that I respect a 100%.
