Another Dead GoPro


This months full moon is so bright!  Yesterday it was bright yellow.  

This morning, it was bright white.  I took these photos at the exact time and the moon was much higher this morning.  Why?  There were nobody on the beach yesterday but today there were 7 surfers already paddling out.  And look to the right side of this photo.  We had 2 visitors again.

This couple is a large male and a large female.  This female is the mother of the little baby she just abandoned at Kaimana Beach.  She’s already looking to make another baby.  Cool!  

As a coach, I’m pretty hard on my students.  One of the locals told me again today that I’m so mean.  I know.  I feel like the meaner I get, the better they surf.  All I look for is results and when your student is surfing really good, it’s worth it.  Seira-chan with the perfect bottom turn.

I also ride in front of my students because I want them to focus on the ride and not me.  I’ll get out of your way but you better hit the lip!  

Malcom just paddled out, his hair still dry, and caught the very next wave.  He was smiling the whole way.  Then my camera had a weird sound and just died.  

Yes, Malcom’s smile must have broke my camera.  Haha.  I’m pretty sure these GoPro’s are made cheaply in China and that’s why I’m on my 20th one.  Multiply that by $400 and that’s a lot of money I spent on that company.  Can someone else please make a better camera?  A camera that won’t break when Malcom smiles into it?  Haha.
