Japanese Glass Treasure


Walking on the beach early in the mornings can be dangerous.  I never take for granted that just because you’re walking on sand, it’s ok.  Early this morning, I walked towards the water and thought I saw a dead fish.  I looked closely and it was a fishing lure with a rusted triple barb hook sticking up!  OMG, if somebody stepped on that, that’s a guaranteed trip to the Emergency Room.  That’s not a way you want to start your day so please watch your step.  

There were 5 guys out before me so they must have walked right over the fishing hook.  Thank goodness nobody stepped on it.  Jerome on a really fun wave.

If Malcom had a fishing hook in his foot, he would still be smiling.  Haha.  

These 2 monk seals have been on the beach a few times in the past week.  A male and female couple that have been roaring at each other making a lot of noise.  I think that’s their love language.  

Perfect timing as Carter paddled out for a session.

Does anyone know what this big glass jar was used for?  I was in a small fishing village in Hokkaido when this elder lady took me to her back yard and showed me this.  It was in a woven basket that looked a hundred years old.  She told me that she was going to throw it away so she asked me if I wanted to take it back to Hawaii, which I did.  She explained to me what it was but I don’t understand the language dialect in Hokkaido.  I was just saying “hai, hai, hai, arigato gozaimasu, arigato gozaimasu, and arigato gozaimasu.”  I was so happy to bring this back to Hawaii.  I look at it everyday in my living room thinking about how generous the Japanese people are.  This is my treasure.  I just wish I knew what it was used for…
