Okinawa Snapshots….


what’s up everybody. gosh, went on a boat today and took it past lembogan to the island of peniata. i hope i spelled that right. the current was ripping. much faster than the current in okinawa. there was actually an overhead wave forming from the current. we dove it anyway. bent my shaft on an ulua. we were looking for dog tooth and saw a couple but they were kind of small. if you want to hunt ulua or GT, that place is the spot. i saw schools of about a hundred of them ranging in the 30-100 lbs range. it was so awesome seeing that. then we dove lembogan on the way back to pick up some snappers for dinner tonight. there is a restaurant right on the beach in front of our hotel that is preparing the fish. can’t wait. anyway, i’m so tired now that i couldn’t climb in the boat on my last dive. i had to crawl up the stair. fatigue….. but it’s ok because we’re going to do it all again tomorrow…. i got one shaft left so i have to select what i spear. hope the next shot is a 73 lbs. dog tooth. i just said that because it’s one pound bigger than kevin’s. game on… haha…
here are more pics from okiwawa…

here kyle and reyton are holding up a huge 90lbs + ulua or GT. reyton speared this big boy in one of their secret spots. he said that there are much bigger ones than that. we didn’t get a chance to go there on that trip but next year, guarantee….

the food in okinawa is awesome. this is the pigs feet okinawan soba. sooooo gooood…….. sorry kalua….

dawn patrol? yeah, the early bird gets the worm…

i go to the “Hard Reef” bar in chatan, okinawa every time i go there. kazubo is the man there and always welcomes us. this is what it looks like inside. on the other side, there is a grill where the chef comes out in front and cooks the best okonimiyaki you will find on that island. then in back has a pool table that girls rule. gosh, i love this place. can’t wait to go back there. so if your ever in okinawa, stop by “Hard Reef” and say what’s up to all the boys. and stay away from the bottle with the snake in it. once you see somebody put that bottle on the counter, run. run fast….
