Call me Bitch…..


aloha, enjoying myself here in bali. every time i come to bali, i stay in kuta. this time, i’m staying in sanur. much more relaxing. no traffic, no people, and excellent food…

here is the front of our room. getting ready for a morning session…..

nashi champur? oh my gosh… so good….

after i ate lunch on the first day i got here, i came back to my hotel and found this message at the front desk. yes, from truly yours, garut. he came to my hotel all the way from kuta just to write me this love letter. thanks bro….
**i cut off his phone number on the top on purpose. i don’t want all the young chicks to call him up. he’s my bitch…. haha….

bali diving day one. not a bad start…. this bastard bent my shaft. shucks, now i have to buy another gun….
no, this is not kalua. this is bali style “babi guling”. the best suckling pig in the world…

another angle. gosh, his cheeks look so good….
anyway, still here for a few more days. going to do some more dives, some more surfs, and some more relaxing. wish you were here….
