Running Aground Again


It’s so sad to see another boat that ran aground on our precious reef.  This one is right at Bowls.  

But pretty happy to see the golden sunrise again and again.  

And good rides on her new 5’10 which is looking really good.

Round 2 with the beautiful Fukuzawa-san family.

Papa Fukuzawa san surfs really good.  Great ocean sense and a good surfing style.

9 year old Riku kun riding waves and smiling the whole way.  He was so energetic and caught about 20 waves.

Mama Maya san on some really long rides.

When you can surf and smile at the same time, that means you’re enjoying the ride to the fullest.

Riku kun was so comfortable that he was giving me the peace sign when we were riding together.  

Fukuzaki-san on the power bottom turn on one of the shallowest reefs on Oahu.  Rockpiles lefts…
