Set her Free


Had an amazing time with the Fukuzaki-san family.  A surfing experience like this will be etched in 9 year old Riku-kun’s mind forever.

This sailboat tried to go out of the channel at night and missed the channel marker.  Why?  I don’t know.  It was stuck on the reef all day long but thankfully when the king tide filled into the afternoon, it set her free.

But not before damaging the coral.

Thank you Allen for keeping your eyes on the girls.  This is an amazing photo you captured!

Teaching kids about the ocean is more important than teaching them about surfing.  You won’t and can’t learn things like this in school.  This is real, this is nature, this is hands on experience, and this knowledge will last a lifetime.

Well, no swells on the way so we’re getting ready to hunt for food.  Fish and tako on the way!
