Waikiki Lifesaver


I was sitting on the beach talking with Micah, Isaiah, Joshua, and Seth.  We were talking about how crazy Waikiki can be.  Big egos, the inexperienced, and the clueless people everywhere you look.  Then right in front of us, this Korean tourist couple got smashed by a wave and pushed right into the rocks.  Micah got up and ran down to help them.

I just watched as I knew Micah would save them.  The guy got pushed over the rocks with the previous wave and was trying to climb up the rocks again.  Why?  I don’t know.

Then the girl gets pushed into the rocks and luckily her surfboard prevented her from major scratches on her body.

It could have been worst, but luckily it wasn’t.

Micah told me it’s like this everyday.  I thought Bowls was crazy but this is crazy crazy!

As peaceful as the ocean can be, it can also be cruel so please be careful.  And thank you Micah for saving that couple.  They had no idea how dangerous that situation could have been but we all do.
