Eat the Eyes


This is Kaiwi.  She is the mother monk seal that attacked the lady that was swimming near her baby at Kaimana Beach.  She’s been at Bowls every morning recently so please stay away from her.

Mr. Takabayashi was my teacher in 7th grade at Niu Valley Intermediate.  That was 45 years ago and he still remembered me.  I was a terrible kid back then so he would make me sit in the front row of the class.  I hardly remember anything from those years but I did remember Mr. Takabayashi.  I respected him then and I respect him now.  He’s one of the very few teachers that influenced my life.

Thank you Mr. Takabayashi for the homemade smoked marlin.  It was delicious!!!

These fish are from the deep ocean and are very delicious.  You can eat it anyway you want.  One is for the steamer, and one is for sashimi.

I cut up the head of one and will be making fish head soup.  I learned this from traveling to Indonesia as it’s the locals favorite.  Can’t wait to eat the eyes!
