Healthy and Happy Meal


The waves were almost flat today so we decided to hunt for tako.  On the way out, we saw this Hawaiian Monk Seal hunting in the harbor.  Pretty cool to watch.

We were watching for 5 minutes as this seal was giving us a free show.

These are the kind of things you usually see on the Discovery Channel.

The waves were pretty small so it was a good choice to go free diving instead.

I’m trying to turn these 2 girls into Amasan’s.  They can surf, they can dive, they can take photos, and now they can hunt.

Hunting for tako and shells at the same time.  It’s pretty deep so scanning the bottom like this is the best way to find food or treasure.

In this case, we found food.  Both of the girls spotted the elusive tako hiding in its hole.

If you can hunt, you will never go hungry.  Free food is right in front of you.

Came home and had some of the fresh uku sashimi I speared.  This fish tastes better on the 3rd to 5th day as the meat gets oily.  It practically melts in your mouth.

Another favorite dish of mine is carpaccio.  A bowl of rice and miso soup on the side and you have yourself a healthy and happy meal.  Itadakimasu!
