Shark and Tako Yaki


When I was paddling out to Bowls, I paddled over something weird.  I looked down and saw a silhouette of a shape I’ve seen before.  

Yes, it was a shark.  A dead shark.  Poor thing was laying on the bottom and seemed like a bigger shark bit its stomach open.  Sad to see things like this.

It’s pretty fun riding along someone until they fall and their 11’0 surfboard hits you in the ankle.  That hurt!  

I was watering my yard and saw a butterfly.  OMG, I haven’t seen a butterfly in such a long time.  When I was young, there were so many.  Now not so many.  So seeing one makes me happy just to see one.  

The water finally got a little cooler so tako season is here.  Tako poke and tako yaki sounds really good!
