Lobsters and Blackberry


Going to start to clear out my desktop of all these photos that have been in the corner.  This one was with family and friends on Molokai.  Anytime I get to go on short trip with Kelia and Seth Moniz, I’m a happy Uncle.  We ended up catching lobsters this night and had a second party which included tequila!

Finding a travel partner is hard.  You are stuck with each other the entire time of the trip so you better be able to get along.  We’ve been doing this for decades.

Last year when Tokura-san was in Hawaii, we had a great time surfing in town.  I always like to surf with him because he’s very respectful to others, knows proper surf etiquette, and is respected by everyone.  One of the coolest surfers you will ever meet.

I still remember the day I got my first Blackberry.  This was the start of the smart phone era.  Not sure if that was good or bad.

I’m coming up on 20 years of headstands that’s included in my daily routine.  That’s about 7,300 headstands I’ve done in my life.  This was on a beautiful beach in El Salvador 10 years ago.  Namaste!
