So as I was taking the drop, my fins slid sidewards and I couldn’t regain control. I tried until the last second which was about right about now. Now looking back, I wish I had bent my knees more because if I made it, that would have been the best recovery of my life.
This is where I looked for a safe spot to land. It’s crazy how fast things are happening but my mind is so calm that I have lots of time to think. I was thinking that I’d better fall before the wave crashes on my head. So you can see I start to angle my left shoulder down so I can penetrate the surface and not get sucked over the wave backwards.
Left arm first, then shoulder will follow. I’m looking exactly where I want to crash. That wipeout looked and felt super crazy but it was actually pretty safe. But we all know that a safe landing is only part of the outcome. Mother Nature takes control of the rest…