Fresh Shirasu in Hawaii? Oh yeah…..


good morning. 7am here in this beautiful island called hawaii. gosh, it feels so good to be home. blue sky, warm weather, and waves all over the island. north shore is still overhead and looks fun. town is waist high with 8 surfers and one standup paddleboarder. trades blowing 10-20mph. going to unpack my stuff, get my north shore boards ready, and take a nap. haha. what a life…. have a nice day….

“you can take my camera equiptment but don’t take my shirasu”…. that was the line yesterday at honolulu airport. we had this big box that we all put our fresh shirasu in and checked it in at japan. your not supposed to bring food so everybody was kind of worried. we were more worried about our shirasu than the rest of our baggage. anyway, there were 2 dogs going around sniffing and looking for food. so once the box came out, kyle grabbed it and walked with it to the opposite side of the dogs. then kathy took over and guarded it and kept it away from the dogs until we were ready to go through customs. this shirasu is so good so everybody would have been bummed if it was taken away. anyway, it made it through and once we got outside, you could see everybody’s sigh of relief. i grabbed my share, jumped in my car, came home, and ate half the box. i ate it for lunch and dinner yesterday. and i know everybody else probably did too… thanks again to the kimura family….

this was dinner the other night in wakayama. it was a happy night with many happy people….
