My Bali Bros….


good evening. gosh, what a beautiful day it was today. got some things done and finally getting back to my emails. sorry for the late response but i’m trying to get to them all. trying to get back to my normal life. been living out of my suitcase for the past 3 months and feel like throwing it off the mountain. with everything in it. maybe i’ll just keep it closed until next march when i do it all again. took a spin by my sisters house to visit the kids and kalua….

kalua seems to be fine. getting much bigger, but fine. he was lying on one of my slippers when i was trying to leave and it took a lot of pushing to get him off it. worlds biggest pig? i think so. makes seth next to him look like a toy GI joe doll….

this was our last day in bali. we went down to changu sandbar and the waves were really fun. had some solid 4′ sets and some waves were barreling. a great way to end a great trip….

these are my two bro’s…. garut in the middle and bol on the right. garut is on fire!! plans to do the WQS events in japan and australia next year. watch out world cause this kid can surf….. bol on the right, just came off a win last weekend at the pro contest at changu. every year i go to bali, these guys are ripping harder and harder. i’m super proud of them….. and the guy on the left of the photo is kelly slater. haha….

anyway, look what i just ate for dinner at my mom’s. some laulau, poke, opihi, lomi salmon, and poi. lights out. goodnight….
