Tim Goss Watercolor Paintings….


good morning on this windy thursday. 6:30am and the waves looks a little blown out around the island. still some waves on the north shore. nobody out at pipe now but the waves should be getting better as the day goes by. town is small. knee/waist high with one guy out at bowls. solid north/west swell coming this weekend. x-cel pro at sunset beach coming up. the circus should be in town soon. something i’m not looking forward too. better get it while i can. have a nice day….

kelia doing home school yesterday. i was so glad to see her and my nephews. they are off to the big island this weekend for the amateur contest. good luck guys…

check this out. my uncle tim who lives in the mainland has been doing watercolor paintings all these years and i didn’t even know about it. they were here for my cousins wedding this past weekend. i was bummed i missed the wedding but my sister showed me his website today. gosh, i was amazed on how artistic he is. awesome work uncle tim. i hope someday you can paint a photo of me. a photo of me spearing a 600lbs tuna. i’ll send you the photo when that day comes. or if that day comes…. check out TIMGOSSWATERCOLORS.COM…..
