Spearing Ulua with Kyle Nakamoto….


good evening. the full moon tonight supposed to be 30% closer to the earth than normal. and it’s also supposed to be a lot brighter than normal. so get outdoors and check it out. that’s where i’m going right now. have a great evening and get ready for the swells coming this weekend….
**i just finished downloading some diving photos i took in bali. got some sick ones. wanted to share this sequence of kyle nakamoto spearing an ulua. the real deal…. kyle was filming pretty much the whole time. he was underwater more than anybody else because when somebody took a drop, he went down with them. at one point, it must have been frustrating for him because he followed me down a lot an i missed so many fish. it was kind of funny because he probably could hear me saying “shit, shit” down 50′ deep. i don’t want to blame my gun but it was only a 100mm picasso and it was firing off to the left. i had to acutally aim to the right to get a good shot. and i finally figured that out on the last part of our trip…. “shit, shit”….

on the last day, i grabbed my camera to get a few shots of andre’s dogtooth. we jumped in at the same time, i had the camera, andre had his fish, and kyle took a speargun just in case. and lucky he did. as i was shooting, i seen a school of ulua’s under me. the water was kind of dirty so it was hard to see. i called kyle and pointed out the school. he seen 15 or so under so he took his dive. the ulua’s came in to check him out and he lined up on one…. i dove down a little and took this shot. luckily this was my wide angle lens so you can capture everything. check out the ulua’s coming in from the right side. that was just half the school….

kyle lined one up, and got a stone shot. the fish died instantly and as he was bringing up the ulua, an even bigger 60lbs+ giant came up and tried to eat the ulua he speared. it was nuts….

then a huge school of BIG rainbow runners came by. i went down and got a few shots of it. i wish i had my gun because i could have gotten one for sure. they came in so close that i could have touched them. it was as awesome experience and now that i think about it, i’d rather have this photo than the fish…

nice shot. this was a pretty big ulua. right as kyle was about to grab it, the fish made one last kick and came off the spear and sank with it’s dead weight down to the deep blue…… but who cared, we had a dogtooth and another ulua in the boat already…..

i wasn’t joking when i said the rainbow runners came right in. these guys were huge and shooting with at 10mm wide angle, you can imagine how close i was when i took this photo. it was so beautiful to see….. and don’t forget, this is bali. not only great for surfing, but great for diving too. can’t wait to go back next year….
**by the way, if somebody’s going to bali anytime soon, please let me know. i had a custom speargun made by andre and i really want to get it soon. a friend is going to bali in the end of november to get it for me but i can’t wait that long. please!! please!! at least bring it back to japan for me. i’ll give you a free go-naminori t-shirt….
