Raising your $290,000 baby


good morning. it’s 3:30am and pitch dark outside but i can hear the waves pounding on the beach. i’m going surfing. have a nice morning and a nice day….

these are the medicine for my eyes. the one on the left was the one my doctor gave me to stop the spread of the pterigum. i think it worked. there is still some white stuff on my eye that probably has to get scraped off when i get surgery. the eye drop on the right is called “Naphcon A”. you can find this in any drug store over the counter. this is the best eye drops ever. it cost $12 but worth every drop. i would look drunk everyday without this….
***did you know it cost $290,000 to raise a child until he or she is 17 years old in america? so the next time you want to raise a child in america, you better have a good job. or rich parents. haha… just wanted to take this time to say “thanks mom”….
