Peach Datsun Condoms!


Welcome the new low cost Peach airlines to Japan! I was waiting a long time for a low cost airlines to break into the monopolized airlines industry in Japan. Now us surfers can chase typhoons without having to be a millionaire. I heard tickets are 1/3 the price and now it should just get cheaper and cheaper. Air Asia also started flying in and out of Haneda/Osaka and you can go to Bali for under $200 these days. Now I can travel more. I love it!

Heard that Datsun is going to make a comeback. I will be first in line to buy one. I had an Old School station wagon and took it to the beach everyday! I loved that car!

Louis Vuitton condoms coming soon? Are you kidding me? No, this is not a joke. One Louis Vuitton condom will cost you $65/each. Can you reuse them? haha.
