Happy 60th Birthday Tokura-san….


it was in 1994 when tokura-san invited me for my first boat trip. i remember sitting down one evening on that trip looking out at the sunset thinking to myself…
“wow, tokura-san lives the life… traveling, surfing, meeting people, exploring, and having fun at the same time. gosh, when i get older, i want to be just like him. i want to be able to live the exact life tokura-san’s living. sharing, giving, and just being happy day by day.”

now 15 years later, tokura-san is still living the dream life. he turns 60 years old today and i wanted to wish him a happy birthday. we’re on a boat in the middle of the ocean celebrating 60 years of his life. and i’m probably thinking to myself….
“wow, tokura-san turned 60 today. 60 years old and still traveling around the world. when i get 60, i want to live the life he’s living and i will do my best to achieve that dream. sharing, giving, and just being happy day by day. i have a long way to go but i’m taking the path that my mentor, sponsor, and friend has taught me. congratulations tokura-san on your 60th birthday. i know most of your dreams have come true and i’m sure every single one will. good things happen to good people and your not just good, your great!!! thanks for everything.. cheers…[:?????????:][:?????????:]”
