Expensive Diving Day!


what a crazy expensive day yesterday. first dive, i went to check an ulua house or GT hole. i see 2 medium/big size ulua’s in there. it was only 20′ deep so i took my time on the bottom waiting for them. finally one turned and came my way. i line up my gun to his head, i take the shot, and 2 seconds later, i feel my shaft with nothing on. what? i know i speared it good, but something was weird. my spear shaft broke!!! wow, the power of the fish. oh well.
then we go to kyle’s secret blue hole. i call it blue hole because there is a huge hole in the reef. down to the reef is 40′ (12M), then the deep blue hole goes down to about 90′ (28M). we pull up, i see 20 or so big GT’s swimming in the hole. kyle went in the front of the hole, i went down the back. we dropped together into the hole and when i was down about 50′ (15M), i seen about 30 huge GT’s with 2 or 3 giant giant GT’s in the group. i point my gun, look at the monster swimming toward me, i wait, think, wait, think, and decided not to take the shot. i knew that it would either pull me down deeper and i die, or i lose my gun, or break my last shaft and can’t dive for the rest of the day. yeah, i was thinking that much down there and as i swam up, i see kyle fighting a huge 100’+ (45Kilo) holding on for his life. the fish takes all the line from his reel and snaps! lost fish, lost shaft, lost soul. for me, just seeing the giant fish swimming around in the deep blue hole was amazing. i wish i had my camera with me. for sure, we’re going back again!
photo 2
on the left is me holding my snapped shaft. i’m out $50. kyle on the right holding a GT that supposed to be his. haha. his shaft and line will cost him $100. the funny thing is that we’ve both been through this many of times. now instead of taking 1 gun to mentawai, i’m taking 2 guns and 4 shafts.
kyle, i’ll probably see you at maui sporting goods today getting new gear. haha.
