Endless Rainbow/Mentawai Go-Naminori Girls!


i totally forgot how hard a photographers job is. shooting is the easy part and editing is the hard part. i spent 2 hours yesterday morning shooting, and 7 hours on my computer editing. i started off with the photos i took yesterday, then moved on to the photos from mentawai. just never ending! i’m just fortunate i don’t have to do this every day. sometime is ok, but everyday will drive me crazy.
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yesterday, Barak paddled out alone and had the whole ocean to himself. it was raining hard but we had to try anyway. for 30 seconds, the sun came out and guess what? a huge bright rainbow over Barak’s head. it was pretty dam amazing!
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go-naminori is coming out with part 1 of part 2 mentawai web mag. when i was going through the thousands of photos yesterday, i couldn’t believe how many good photos, and good waves everybody caught. it just goes to show you that when you have this kind of talent, all we need is one day of sun. we got it, and when you see the photos, you will be amazed. these girls were ripping!
*last, everybody’s been telling me how junk the waves are so far this summer in hawaii. for me, i’m having fun. yeah, i’d prefer 6′ big rights, but surfing knee/waist high waves are fun too. my boards are working super good and my friends are super happy so that’s all that matters. i’ll take anything because i know that there are many places in the world where the waves are flat for weeks. it’s never flat here and when you paddle out in the crystal clear warm water, you better not complain. enjoy this summer and we all know that a big swell has to come our way sometime. stay tuned.
