Happy Saturday Photo Shoot!


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i’ve been shooting for this project for about 2 weeks. to get 8 young up and coming surfers together was pretty hard to do. some work, some play, some live far, and some don’t answer the phone. haha. so instead of getting them all together, i did the best i could one by one. all i have to say that i had fun shooting these kids for FINE magazine. why? because FINE is huge in japan, and because i watched these kids growing up and becoming young men and women. but first, check out diamond head. one of the most famous mountains in the world.
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Alessa Quizon grew up on the west side. but her fathers support, been making it to town anytime she gets the chance. she didn’t surf for 1 week so today was a big day. as for the photos i took of her? you have to wait till the new FINE magazine comes out in japan next month.
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Yukiko-san was out ripping like usual. this is a nice turn!
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it’s summer here in hawaii. hot weather, cool winds, and lots of fun!
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every time i see this boat go out to see for bottom fishing tours, i laugh to myself because i know that half of the customers end up throwing up. haha. ever bottom fished outside ala moana or waikiki on a windy day like today? kimochi warui! Barf!
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see that group of condos at the tip of diamond head? it’s called hawaii’s “Gold Coast.” the most expensive per square foot land in the world. just that group of condos combined is worth billions!
