Leaving Las Vegas


america just came out with the air quality report and guess what city was the worst? Las Vegas! i was there for 2 days and when i was in my hotel room, i had a hard time breathing at night. then when i came back to hawaii, my skin felt like a lizard. i couldn’t imagine myself living in that air every day of the year. hawaii ranked #6 for best air quality and my skin finally came back to normal, thanks to a lot of skin lotion.
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what i liked about Las Vegas was this fancy italian restaurant. check these guys preparing our lobster. OMG!
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the champagne was pretty good too. and caviar? OMG!
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sip on champagne, eat lobster, jump in the limo, and watch the Mayweather fight up front. a night to remember.
to all you people who are thinking about having plastic surgery. look at this before and after photos and think again! be happy with what you already have. you’re already beautiful!
