Nonde, Nonde, Nonde: NONDE!!!!!


remember i had to do a banzai toast at my friends wedding? well, it was my time to get called up for the official good luck toast at probably the most formal and expensive wedding ever in hawaii. i had a few drinks and was feeling good. no planning in my speech as i was going to go up, try to embarrass the groom for a minute, then do a good luck kanpai. my friend john has been embarrassing me for the past 22 years. from running up and down the streets in Niijima Island drunk and screaming out my name, to pulling up to a bunch of japanese tourist girls in waikiki, rolling down my window, and yelling my name out. yeah, he always stops on the side, rolls down my window, yells “kirby fukunaga, go-naminori!” i try to roll up my window but he locks it down, sits there, and just laughs. the girls standing on the side of the street look scared as shit. but john just stays there and laughs his head off. that’s probably one of the reasons this site has so many viewers. haha. john also goes to clubs, acts crazy, and tells people he’s me. he also use to call my house at 3am in the morning and when my message recorder goes on, he voice records adult videos. yeah, imagine getting a call late night, wondering who the heck it is, then when the message recorder turns on, you hear adult porno stars having sex. and not just for a few seconds, he keeps recording it for minutes. and in the background, i can hear john laughing his head off. then i start laughing and can’t go back to sleep. haha.

anyway, it was my time. i didn’t want to do a banzai because i have an image of japanese kamakaze pilots yelling banzai before they suicide bombed pearl harbor. then kanpai was just too normal. so i take a chance. want to do something people will remember. i ask the 250 guests to repeat after me. “when i say “Nonde Nonde Nonde” you say NONDE! we did it for 3 times and that was it. i drank a sip of jack/coke, and that was it. john and i along with many many of my japanese friends played these drinking games for the past 22 years and i just thought it would be appropriate. haha. NONDE NONDE NONDE!!!!
