

i surfed with the coolest couple from Shizuoka yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Tomita, one longboard, one shortboard. we surfed for 3 hours and caught so many long waves. then ate curry, talked, laughed, and had a great time. Mahalo to the both of you and hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in Hawaii.
ok, i have to say that my sister is getting good at photography. this is one great photo! and after i finally get the same lens she has, she goes and buys another one. i swear that Canon is a smart company. kind of like Apple where you need everything they make. i’m going broke trying to keep up with technology and my sister. haha.
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ok, i bet my sister doesn’t have a photo like this. i took this on the 4th of july from the ilikai hotel. not bad for a surfer yeah? haha.
and i bet my sister doesn’t have a shot like this. i took this from the Ilikai looking up at the Modern Hotel. haha. the Modern Hotel promotes its privacy. i don’t think so! haha.
after taking these photos to adjust my lens, i told myself that i would never stand on any hotel balcony naked ever again. haha.
and last, been getting so many comments on my new wetsuit. i just wanted something different so i ordered a front zip 2mm white wetsuit with one arm black. i got so many good compliments. one guy even ran up to me as i got out of the water and asked “hey, where can i get one of those cool wetsuits?” well, here it is! it’s called a Dove Wetsuit and i’ve been using it for the past 20 years. and if you know me, i only use the best! CLICK HERE TO GET THE BEST WETSUIT IN THE WORLD!
