My Day Off!


can you believe today was my first day off since i came back from the mentawai? and before i left, i don’t even know when i had a full day to go play. last night, my job for today was cancelled. then i get a call from my dive friend shawn who also hasn’t been able to dive for a while because of his job. i really wanted to stay home today, turn on my air conditioner, and relax. but when somebody invites me for a dive, there’s no way i’m turning it down. i wake up at 4am, i drive to hawaii kai, hook up shawn’s boat, drive to waianae, and dive all day. i surely needed some really deep breaths!
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you couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day. going on my boat gives me a little stress because i have a big responsibility. so when i go on my friends boat, i can just sit back and relax.
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i forgot to take my fin socks so i started getting blisters on my feet. went back to the boat, taped it up, and dove all day. shawn tells me that we were going to start off shallow. my first drop was 40′ or 12 meters. that’s shallow to him. my breath holding felt pretty good all day long. felt super relaxed deep on the bottom lying down waiting for the fish.
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see that broom fish? the colorful one? that is the best sashimi hawaii has to offer. when i seen that, my mouth started to water. now it will be one of my fresh dinners this week.
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i’ve heard a lot about this guy Vernon Takata. he’s won many free diving tournaments, been in all the skin diving magazines, and on tv regularly. today i was a student. i just watched as these professionals did what they do best. check out this huge flounder!
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on our last dive, a mother dolphin and her newly born baby swam right by us. a great way to end the day.
south shore swell came up. i’m going surfing tomorrow morning. my body and soul couldn’t feel any better!
