1st time and 2nd time surfers


had a fun morning with this wonderful family. it was 3 years ago i took them surfing for the first time and yesterday was the second. good to see the Matsuda-san family back in hawaii!
kaito-kun is the cutest little boy. he was 6 years old when i took him surfing for the first time. he loved it then, and loves it now. hearing him scream while he was surfing was pretty funny. i like this kid.
this is the Matsuda-san family 3 years ago. the came off the airplane from japan, left their bags at their hotel in waikiki, then i picked them up and took them to the west side for their first ever surf. the waves were big and challenging but they all stood up and surfed well. after that experience, yesterday was easy.
then i went surfing in the afternoon with 3 first timers. Yoshiki-kun, Akaike-san, and Azusa-san. i couldn’t believe how much paddling power they all had. usually people i take out for the first time get tired paddling out, but they were strong going out, catching many waves, and strong paddling in. amazing!
another great day with great people. thank you all and keep on surfing!
