First Day of Winter in Hawaii: Winter Solice Day….


good morning. 6:45am on this chilly saturday morning. today, the waves are as small as it gets. it’s pretty much flat around the island. nobody out in the water in town, and nobody out at pipe or laniakea. it’s been years since i seen the waves this small all around the island. the conditions are clean and looking good for diving. but christmas is coming up so too many things going on. probably have to put diving on the side until next year but hope i can sneak one more in this year. well, get ready for traffic where ever you go today. everybody’s out on the road shopping so it’s been pretty crazy. i’m going surfing…. have a nice day….

did you know that today is winter solstice day? what is that? winter solstice is the beginning of the winter in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of the summer in the summer hemisphere. so today’s officially winter in hawaii and summer in places like indonesia and australia. trippy yeah? before i started traveling, i thought it was summer everywhere around the world everyday…. so today will be the shortest day of the year. that’s why it’s pitch dark here in hawaii right after 6pm. and it means longer nights for the party people…. and for surfers, longer days… so go out and enjoy our official first day of winter… aloha…
