San Francisco: The Reason


there was a reason i came to san francisco that i didn’t even know. as i was going to jump on the bus to take a city cruise, my brother called me up. yeah, we hardly talk and see each other and i didn’t even know if he was here or not. i called him this morning and no answer so i thought he was on a business trip. well, he calls me back, he’s in san fran, he picks me up, and we go to lunch. so happened, he made a lunch date with my aunty and uncle, both who i haven’t seen for a long time. they are from oregon and drove down to san fran for the day. i was so happy to see them. yeah, i was a little frustrated in the morning being stuck in san fran airport with no way out. but seeing my family made it all worth it.
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we had a great time and a great talk. i want to thank my younger brother for paying for lunch. i know he has way more money than me. before i use to be jealous, but now, i just let him pay for everything. haha.
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then my brother takes me for a ride around san francisco. the last time i was there was with my grandma, grandpa, brothers and sister when we were kids. i must have been only 5 years old. so driving around brought back the good old memories of my lovely grandparents. the golden gate bridge was beautiful!
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we went to the other side of the bridge. took out my canon camera and got some amazing photos! wait till you see it.
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so going to san fran was well worth it. there is a reason for everything and i truly believe today the reason for us was to get together.
headed to the airport and found a way to get back to LA. now i’m sitting in this beautiful lounge waiting for my turn to take a shower. ate free food, drank free water. the beer and jack daniel is looking pretty tempting but i told myself that this was going to be an alcohol free trip. i’ve been good so far but just don’t know how long that will last. that ice cold corona is looking good. haha.
it’s taking me a while to get to south america but i’ll get there. i’m in no rush and am just going with the flow. the flow of riding an endless wave doing cutbacks, off the lips, bottom turns, and waiting for the barrel at the end of the road. i know it’s there and i’m looking forward to it. i better go because it’s time for a shower, then jumping on a plane, sleeping, and waking up in a totally different city. good night.
