Abunai Argentina: Be Careful


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on my first day here, i jumped on the train to go to what i thought was a drum cultural festival. when i go there, it was crazy! so many people dancing and i learned some new dance moves. but the train ride was cool. graffiti all over the train, crowded, and really cheap. i think it cost 40 cents to go 5 stops away.
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i stood in line to get a a beer and it took me 1 hour. but worth it because it was pretty hot watching all the dancing going on. this happens here once a week they say. for me, once is enough. but highly recommended.
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i went 4 days without a beer all the way from hawaii. but coming here, i just couldn’t resist anymore. i’m on vacation right?
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jumped on the bus going home. kind of weird system. but the cheapest way to get around argentina.
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i met the coolest people from israel. they are backpacking their way through argentina too. making new friends from all over the world is fun. met people from colombia, brazil, peru, mexico, and the united states. nobody from hawaii yet. in fact, when people find out i’m from hawaii, they ask me “what are you doing in argentina?” my answer? i really don’t know why. haha. anyway, see the girl on the left, her name is Noea.
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earlier that day, noa walked out of our hostel wearing a gold chain. somebody came and ripped it right off her neck and ran away. right in the day, right on the sidewalk!!! look at the scratches on her chest. omg! now i understand why the lady at the front desk said to me as i was leaving with my camera around my neck “hey kirby, where do you think you’re going like that?” huh? she said “you can’t walk around argentina like that.” and looked at me like i was a fool. haha. the same way i look at japanese tourists that want to walk down china town in hawaii at night. haha.
anyway, having so much fun. the jet lag here is 12 hours different from japan, and 6 hours different from hawaii. i know i’ll be jet lagged for sure when i get back. but hey, you only live once so may as well enjoy it.
