Backpacking Hostel Room and Dark Dog


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dark dog? this is argentina’s answer to red bull.
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before i left on this trip, i swore to myself that i was going to live like a backpacker. stay at hostels, live on a $35/day budget. so far, so good. yes, i have enough money to check into a nice hotel room but i wanted to feel the real life of a traveler. i’ve been meeting so many awesome people from all over the world. we are all different in our ways but the same thing we share is the passion for traveling. this is not the life for everyone but this is what i have to say. if i were a teacher, i’d encourage my students to backpack some country for at least a month by yourself. explore, make friends, and find yourself. and if you survive, you will have grown 5 years in experiences and maturity in that one month. it’s just something i can’t explain. when i’m in hawaii, sometimes i feel like i know everything. but the truth is, i don’t know anything. going on the road and living from the bottom teaches you what you need in your life and what you don’t. i’m living out of my backpack and when i think about it, this is all i need to survive. the only thing is my clothes are so stink! haha.
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i have 8 room mates in my room. people come in and out so fast here. one day i was talking to the guy on the top of my bunk before i slept. then when i woke up, another guy was there. it is so weird having absolutely no privacy. nothing to hide, and nowhere to hide. pretty cool way to travel.
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check out this toilet. cool yeah.
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winter weather on the way to hawaii. keep warm!
anyway, just finished eating breakfast. going to shower, walk the streets, take photos, and eat another big piece of steak! then as soon as i get back to hawaii, i’m going to paddle the makapuu to waikiki course again to lose all the weight i’m gaining. mucho gracias and see you later!
