Solid Typhoon Shots from Okinawa, Japan…..


good evening. just got a bunch of galleries from bruddah josh down in okinawa. i was checking them out and oh my gosh. sick…. jamie o’brian was down there a few days ago boosting some huge airs…. the galleries will be up soon so check back on GO-NAMINORI.COM….

you know something, okinawa has some of the most beautiful girls in the world. some pure japanese but looked mixed, and some mixed that look pure japanese. and most people speak english there. i use to go there all the time but haven’t in a while. i can’t wait because i’m going there this year for sure. once or twice, or three times, lady….

this is jamie busting out a bruce irons air. just imagine the people in okinawa watching this from the seawall. the must have been freaking out…. thanks josh…

just had to throw this in. this is japan on august 26th, 2003. how big is this wave???? big!!! i got the video clip of this wave that glen matsumoto gave to me a long time ago. believe it or not, i’m in that barrel trying to find a way out. my biggest barrel ever in japan. and that was 14 years ago….
**next week looking like a small east swell for japan. you know what that means….. i’m going back up north. see ya…
