Hawaiian Fishing Tales….


good saturday morning. 7am and the waves look clean on the north shore. 3′ and fun so i’m out of here…. town is small in the knee high range but north shore is the call… the winds backed off but it’s still raining. have a nice day….

just downloaded the photos from yesterday. gosh, this cooler looks full of the same fish we caught 4 days ago. but it’s not. when i first started diving, i took my small cooler and went home with one fish if i was lucky. throughout the years, i learned how certain fish act and how to hunt them. almost every fish is different so there are tricks to lure them in. see that big blue uhu? the uhu’s in town are pretty smart so it’s kind of hard to catch them. this is how i caught this one. it was like 35′ deep so i waited for him to go behind a rock or in a cave and then i dove down on him. i couldn’t see him but as i was going down, he came out of the cave and looked at me. he was tripping out and so was i because he turned to the side and gave me the perfect head shot. i think he was drunk or something because that was too easy….

how did i catch this big kumu? i saw a pile of fish in 15′ deep water. i dove down in the middle and was thinking in my head what shawn told me. he said that he doesn’t see the kumu’s when he first goes down but they just come out of nowhere if you wait. i was waiting patiently on the bottom for about a minute singing “silent night’ in my head. that’s just one of songs i sing in my head while diving. haha. anyway, there were so many fish swimming around me but i just kept on waiting because i could have picked off any fish at any time. just as i was running out of air, i seen this big red kumu swimming up to me. maybe he thought i was santa? he turned 5′ away and i shot him right in the body. i usually aim for the head but i didn’t want to take any chance on losing on of the biggest kumu’s i’ve ever speared so i shot him in the body. grabbed him, and went back to my boat singing “jingle bells”…. i was done for the day…. merry christmas… kind of late but i’m still in the christmas spirit…..[:?????$B!x(B???:]

my brother took his fish, mike took his, we gave some away, and this is the rest for my dinner this week….
