Fish Rape!!!


good morning. 5:15 am and the waves are small, clean, and fun. north and south. i’m going surfing!! have a nice day!!!
**i was searching around the spearfishing forum and found something pretty interesting. there’s this guy named paul that’s surfs and dives. i’ve seen him before out at pipeline. paul is a friend of jared’s and is also deaf. anyway, after reading this story, i respect paul a lot more now. why? because it’s people like him that stick up for the little fish in the sea. see, we have rules about fishing in hawaii and if we don’t follow them, our future generations will be heavily impacted. when paul sees something illegal, he steps in and takes action.
there were a couple of guys laying a net across this channel. which is illegal. why? because everything going in and out will get stuck in the net and killed. sharks, turtles, and even children. and it’s not any channel, it happens to be a channel near my sisters house. paul seen it and took action. check out the video he took…

i’m pretty sure this is paul charging pipeline earlier this year. good surfer, good diver, and good enforcer… thanks paul for saving hundreds of living things that could have been stuck in that net. and nice wave dude….
