Surfline vs. Go-Naminori


do you know what surfline is? surfline happens to be the biggest surfing website in the world. it’s a million dollar business that’s been around since internet was created. i was just checking out their youtube page. they started their youtube account on june 4, 2006. since then, they have 6,885,021 million video views. i thought that was pretty interesting. why? because we have more. yeah, i started the GO-NAMINORI YOUTUBE PAGE on march 5, 2007. and guess how many video views we have? 9,365,632. yeah!!!! they have 269 uploaded videos of famous pro surfers from every country. we have only 163 uploaded videos of us soul surfers in hawaii and japan. i’m not trying to compete with anybody, but if you think about it on the business side, we should be making millions of dollars right? wrong! i always wanted to do this for the love and not for the money. we are such a small company that stick together. been working day in and day out since 2005. i still remember being on the boat in the maldives for a surf/photo trip back in 2005 when this idea came together. i wrote my plan on a piece of paper in my room, thought about it day and night. then once i returned to japan, the dream started to become a reality. now we are all over the place. the whole world knows us. we promote only positive things, we promote surfing, we promote the connection between hawaii and japan, and we promote happiness. our motto has always been “SURF YOUR DREAM.” thank you for supporting us all throughout the years and see you in the water!
this is the second most viewed go-naminori video on our page at 729,055 views. i remember calling Mari-chan up that morning to ask her if i can shoot her. she said yes, called her friend Takako, and the rest is history. no staging, no acting, no editing. this is real life. this is how we do it here at go-namninori. check it out!
and check out more of our videos on GO-NAMINORI X YOUTUBE!
