so there i was last night sitting on my computer at 10:30 pm. i was tired and ready to go to sleep when i get a text message from my friend. they were out drinking in town celebrating Cinco de Mayo. Cinco de Mayo isn’t a mexican boys day, it’s spanish for “fifth of may”, a holiday that commemorates the mexican army’s unlikely victory over the french army at the battleof puebla in 1862.
anyway, it was either go sleep and wake up at 2, 3 and 5 am due to my extreme case of jetlag? or go out with the boys, have a few drinks, and sleep like a baby. i chose the second. i jumped in the truck and raced down. since it was a mexican holiday, i drank mexican beer: Corona[:?????????:]
after bar 1, we went to bar 2. the boys jumped into the truck and we were driving around town like how we use to do it in high school. pretty funny. i had to take a photo of this. haha…
there’s a cool new bar in waikiki. good food, good vibe, and good fun. 2 bottles of ichiko and we were done. i forgot the bars name but i’ll be back there again for sure. outside had this cool doggy. and outside also had a big fight between japanese girls. 3 girls yelling at each other in kansai ben, throwing shoes, security guards, and almost the police. i tried to stop the fight twice but couldn’t. so i stayed and watched. it was pretty entertaining. haha…