i use to go to the gym 6x a week and spend 2 hours each training session. add in the driving time, it took my a whole morning, or whole afternoon. after 10 years of that, i finally figured out how to get the best workout in the limited time i have.
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welcome to my home gym. i get up in the morning, do about 15 minutes of exercise, and i’m ready for the long day ahead. some weights, some pushups, some sit-ups, and some yoga. my blood is pumping after 15 minutes and when i leave my house, i’m at a 100%. then add in the paddling or diving, or surfing, i feel complete. i don’t think it’s how much weight you can lift, i think it’s all about knowing your body. work it without overdoing it. figured out yours?
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i’ve known the Ono-san family ever since i came to japan. i met Yassan on my first trip to shikoku in 1992. at that time, i was sponsored by another surfboard sponsor but Yassan treated me like i was one of his riders. i respected him for that. so 2 years later when i left local motion, i already knew who i wanted to ride for, TSSC. that was 1994 and it is now 2013. 19 years of sponsorship, 19 years of magic surfboards, 19 years of support, and 19 years of friendship. Tomoko-san has always been very supportive for me too. and Kesuke i’ve known since he was a young boy. a family together, a family business, and a family feeling. what a great story! thank you Yassan, Tomoko-san, and Kesuke for being an important part of my life! see you again soon!
