Go-Nami Friends


yesterday was dark, raining, and snowing in some parts of japan, today was warm, sunny, and beautiful. it was good to be able to walk around with my slippers. my legs are killing me from standing for the past 2 days. i just don’t know how some people do it everyday. i think it’s amazing. well, finally going back to hawaii tomorrow. this trip seemed pretty long but it was filled with memories. from the tokyo to shikoku, to nagoya to philippines, to tokyo to yokohama, and now tokyo to hawaii. i put some miles on my life traveling log and once i go back to hawaii, i’m not planning on going anywhere for a while.
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Shin-san and Midori-san have been Go-Naminori supporters from the beginning. Shin-san loves surfing and has been supporting the yugawara boys for a while. we’ve been surfing together for the past few years in hawaii and always have a great time. thank you for coming to the event and see you in hawaii again!
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Furuki-san is from ibaraki and has been drawing us some amazing illustrations. i got another batch of stickers of my friends and myself. i’m going to stick them everywhere! and he also came by to the event and gave me some rare hot wheels. yeah, have you ever seen kikaida hot wheels before? well, now i have some and it’s going to stay with me for the rest of my life. thank you for coming all the way from ibaraki!
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the Kaneko-san family are amazing. met them surfing in hawaii and look forward to them coming every year. Hiyo-kun is surfing good and i’m sure he will improve with every wave ridden. see you all soon! and tell Rei-kun i said hello too!
many more people came to see me and i’ll be posting their photos as soon as i get back to hawaii and have some time to sit down on my computer. i still have photos from the tssc contest i didn’t even download yet. yes, i’m a very busy man! have a great evening!
