Jody Arias Death Penalty?


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omg! how beautiful was today? it was a picture perfect day here in hawaii. the waves were good, the wind was good, the sun was good, and everything was good. in fact, nothing could have been better. lucky we live in hawaii.
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i had a great time surfing this morning with these 2 girls from chiba. Tina-san and Ayumi-san surfed so well. Tina-san just started surfing and Ayumi-san has been surfing for the past 5 years. now they can go back to japan and enjoy the ocean together. cool friends! thanks girls for the wonderful morning!
now let’s change the subject.
every single american in the world knows who this blonde girl is. her name is Jodi Arias. in japan, not too many people know her so i will introduce her to you. this girl killed her boyfriend. why? because she’s a stalker, and a very jealous person.
one late night, she drove to her boyfriend Travis’ house. she stabbed him while he was taking a shower. she stabbed him 27 times and cut his throat open from ear to ear. then she shot him in the head with a gun. then she drove away. she told the police she wasn’t there. then she told the police she was there and 2 people broke in the house and killed her boyfriend. then when all the evidence pointed to her, she told the police she killed him in self defense. wow! i turned on the tv 2 days ago and watched the ending of the trial. if she is guilty, she will face the death penalty. if not, she will still spend the rest of her life in jail. the verdict will be this week. stay tuned.
are? who is this? this is Jodi Arias’s new makeover. she dyed her hair black and wore glasses to make the court believe she is innocent. gosh, she almost had me fooled.
i’m glad i didn’t become a lawyer because i’d probably be getting guilty people out of jail. and i’m glad i didn’t become a policeman because i’d have to see things like this everyday. i decided to become a surfer which was the best decision of my life!
